Saturday 21 June 2014

Missing You...

Late at night, with stars shining bright;
No wonder I am still missing you tonight

I laugh during day, and give fake smiles;
Knowing that my heart will never be alright

The Day Miufa Had a Heroine

Long ago, there was a kitten called ‘Emm’: sweet and intelligent but also quite mischievous, often troubling folks in the way only a child can. She had a beautiful beige fur, of which she was very proud. Emm lived with her mother in a town called Miufa, half-lunar journey from King Cheshire’s palace. Now everyone knows that our world is a hexahedron, with each facet having a pentagonal island in the centre, surrounded by the Kari Sea, and little Emm lived on the island of Mewl, the realm of Unicorns.
So, it was Carnus day of the year of Panda, and Emm was returning from her school, whistling a tune. She would walk a few steps, then stop to play with her woollen ball. It was during one of these frolicking stops when she spotted Barsiv, a jabberjay who was also Cheshire’s vizier, flying high above. It looked as if he was headed for the Miufa’s town hall, an enormous hollow melon. Almost immediately, Barsiv spotted her, and dived towards her.
“Hello little one!”, he called in his characteristic singsong voice. “Where are you going?”
“Just walking home from school, Bar”, replied Emm while sticking out her tongue at him. He hated being called Bar and she, little one.
“You better get home soon, kid. We are about to be attacked!”, he said, while swooping her up and gently dropping her a yard away, while she hissed with mock anger. The truth was, Emm loved playing with Barsiv, and the fact that he loved her like a daughter made it even more enjoyable for her.
“Well, you just attacked me, and now I want my woolie ball back”, she said pompously as she strode towards it. There was a flutter of wings, and suddenly Emm was in Barsiv’s claws again, who was flying towards the town hall. This time when Emm hissed, it was real anger, for she loved her ‘woolie ball’ more than anything else.
“Hush little one, I’ll get you your ball. I ain’t kidding. We really are under attack. And this time, it looks as if Rinya has brought all her army!”. Barsiv had spoken the last bit quite indignantly, as if bringing one’s entire army for the offensive was somehow unfair.
“She the same Rinya who attacked us the day I was born? I hate her”, Emm said imperiously, as if her words had just settled an argument. Barsiv couldn’t resist laughing.
But alas, poor Barsiv’s scouts had underestimated the speed of Queen Rinya’s vanguard, and thus, their merriment was short-lived. Just as they entered the outskirts of Miufa, they heard a terrible scream behind them. Not just once, but thrice. By the third time, it sounded less like a scream, and more like a screech: Jubjub bird’s call. Jubjub birds were Queen Rinya’s elite guards, and their presence here was simply befuddling. Why had the queen sent her best after Barsiv, when they might be needed on the front, for Mewl’s Unicorns were ineffective against these airborne devils.
Notwithstanding that they were surrounded by at least a dozen of those ruthless birds, Barsiv’s only concern was that in her constant writhing, Emm might scratch herself against his sharp claws. However, his concerns soon deepened into full-fledged anxiety, when he spotted Queen Rinya, accompanied by her lieutenant, Roukh the Jabberwocky, soaring over Miufa’s town hall. Immediately he started thinking of a way to avoid her, and for any of his plans to work, Emm had to stay calm.
“Look Emm, it’s the twins below us. Why don’t you play face-make with them for a while? And make no sound, or you don’t get any points! We’ll land as soon as you win”. This was Barsiv’s best bet, because the only thing Emm loved more than playing with her woolie ball was to run around with the twins, frolicking and making faces at people. So, no sooner than he had uttered these words that Emm mewed, to gain the twin’s attention. Kids as all three were, the sight of each other was enough to make them forget the impending doom. Barsiv had stopped too, trying to draw Jubjubs closer, so that he can find a weak spot amongst their ranks and make his escape. At this point, Barsiv didn’t care about the town, or even the twins. He only wanted Emm to reach a safe place. Alas, the Jubjubs were too well-trained strategy to work. As soon as they saw their target stop moving, they rushed in, forming a tight sphere, blocking all exit points. Barsiv cursed under his breath. He was stupid to believe something as simple as this would work. They were Rinya’s elite, after all!
“Good Afternoon, Barseeiv!”, called Rinya mockingly, bringing him out of his reverie. “What a pleasant surprise! Wait, what’s that in your claws? A kitten?”
“It’s my lunch”, he answered, hoping it would keep them away from Emm.
“Aah, lunch!”, laughed Rinya. “Look everyone, the vizier is about to have lunch! Did we disturb you Barsiv? How rude of us...!”. The Jubjubs jeered, and Roukh roared with laughter. “How stupid you folk are, following him and his king: the world’s dumbest duo. One can’t stop grinning even when under attack, and the second looks for lunch while being followed by enemies!”, spat Rinya. Barsiv could have died of humiliation.
Emm, however, couldn’t understand what the commotion was about. She knew they were in danger, but who was this bossy lady? And why was such a terrifying bird in her company? Rinya’s next comment answered all her questions. “Listen up, citizens!”, she addressed the townsfolk who were gathered in the sheltered alleys around the town hall. “I, Queen Rinya, and my faithful Roukh have travelled several miles to liberate you from these incompetent rulers. Kneel before me, and I shall make you prosperous! Acknowledge me your queen, and you shall receive boons you have never even dreamt of!!”. If Rinya had been hoping that the people would buy it, she was very wrong. All around and under them, people starting hissing, booing, and cursing her, much to her embarrassment. Terbes the toad, sole teacher at the local school and Hemme the owl, the town drunk, went so far as to hurl their gin bottles at her, which Roukh deflected with a lazy flick of his enormous wings. However, the Jubjubs, who had never seen their queen humiliated (or even talked back to), swept towards the people, to discipline them, leaving the horizon open for Barsiv. Seizing the opportunity, he took off swiftly. He had flown only a yard or so when he found himself being hurled to the ground, his neck in someone’s sharp claws. He landed hard, and the force of it pried his claws open, sending Emm tumbling in Rinya’s direction. As her fear and dizziness subsided, Emm finally opened her eyes and took in the scene before her.
Before her stood the biggest kite she had ever seen. It had a silver beak, and all her feathers were white except those around her neck, which were golden, giving an impression that it was wearing a gold necklace. It had a smug expression on her face, and when it turned her head to look at Emm, the kitten felt her body go numb with fear. A bit to her left lay Barsiv, struggling against Roukh’s claws on his neck. As Emm stared, wide-eyed and slack-jawed, a Jubjub flew up to Rinya, bowing his head as he alighted at her feet. Opening his claws, he let Emm’s ‘woolie ball’ roll to a stop near Rinya. “We found it in the field, your majesty”, he spoke in his deep baritone and stepped aside, leaving Rinya to examine the artifact.
“Interesting!”, muttered Rinya, half-open beak resembling a sneer. “What do you do with these things, Barsiv?” she continued with her mocking Cheshire’s vizier. “Is it here for tying me up? Or is there a firebird inside it?”. Firebirds were Jubjubs’ mortal enemies, now almost extinct. Jubjubs laughed heartily at the joke. Emm, however, was befuddled. Sure, this bad lady was threatening Barsiv, but what did she want? What could Emm do to help? Realizing she would be as helpful as the rose shrub beside her, she lowered her head, almost missing Rinya scooping the woolie ball up as she said: “This time’s souvenir isn’t like the last one, but I’ll keep it nonetheless. As for you all, . . .” Her speech was cut short as Emm let out a loud hiss and crouched, ready to attack Rinya if need arose. For she had just seen the evil lady envelope her woolie ball in her claws, and as everyone in Miufa knew, Emm would rather die than lose it. She felt her anger deepen when Rinya began laughing. “Goodness me! Do you think you can even stand against me? Go back to playing, kid. We’re not here for your kind. Not yet anyway.” Rinya walked away as Barsiv chuckled. Suddenly she turned back. “Why did you get so worked up anyway?”, she demanded of Emm.
“You have my woolie ball!”, Emm growled. “It’s mine only and I want it back!”
“Bravo!”, Rinya mocked as she applauded. “Barsiv has made sure to pass his theatrics on to you too! Look around you. My people are everywhere. Do you, any of you, think that you can make us do anything we don’t want to?” She sighed before continuing. “You lot are slow l earners. A demonstration is in order then. Roukh!”, she called over her shoulder. “What do you think?” “Whenever you’re ready, your majesty!”, replied Roukh with a sneer. After a moment’s wait, Rinya raised a wing. Then it seemed to Emm that everything was happening in slow motion. Roukh slitting Barsiv’s throat, the smug expression on Rinya’s face, the townspeople’s uproar, everything seemed surreal. And suddenly Emm was recalling a memory half-forgotten: Rinya attacking Miufa when she was only a day old and her dad leading town’s defence and getting killed in the process. She felt her blood boil. She was no longer a little kitten. Suddenly she was a vengeful soul merely trapped in a small body. With boiling anger inside her, she leapt at Rinya, much to latter’s surprise. However, she swept her wing majestically, brushing Emm aside as if she was a fly. Emm landed o n her feet, softly, and jumped again. This time, Rinya was ready. With a laugh, she flew sideways, avoiding the angry kitten. Again and again Emm tried to reach Rinya, but was thwarted every time.
All the townspeople were fighting Jubjubs by now, including Hemme, but glancing at Rinya and Emm, he felt pity for the latter, his best friend’s daughter. He knew he wasn’t strong enough, but he also knew it didn’t matter. What mattered was, whether he did something or not. He had never fought in his entire life, you see. But suddenly, he took off, aiming straight for Rinya. Roukh intercepted him, pinning him to the ground like he did to Barsiv. The commotion, however, had distracted Rinya. She took a backward step, and by sheer misfortune, tripped over Rinya’s woolie ball, unfurling it. Emm noticed it, and with an excited chatter, leapt at the ball and rolled it away from the haughty queen. The few moments Rinya took to grasp what was happening cost her everything, as Emm tightened the loose strands around Rinya’s claws and captured the evil queen.
I won’t bother you about how Cheshire arrived with a company of firebirds, winning the day. How Roukh, sensing his impending doom, fled the scene. How Rinya’s thrashing caused her claw to pierce little Emm’s stomach. But I WILL tell you how Miufa still remembers its slain daughter. She’s a legend, a symbol of hope and courage. The first to defy a tyrant, even though she was nothing more than a kid. For she knew sacrifices have to be made to achieve something, that ultimately, it is courage that matters...
Dedicated to MJ, once a friend. Wherever you are now, I hope you're happy.


Yes, I made it myself. Yes, it's really a hand drawn sketch. Yes, I was so bored :-P

Thursday 19 June 2014

His Heartbreak

She was the beacon he followed;
Nurturing hope in his heart

But she led only to distress;
Pierced his dreams with a dart

He didn't realize, though he wasn't the same again;
That she was a temptress, merely playing her part

A Place in My Dreams

I know a place in my dreams;
An island, as big as a trireme

Around it, though, there is no sea;
Float it does, through the galaxy

Swirling clouds surround its base;
Beautiful moon, it does always face

I look around, and glimpse the two trees;
The rest is grass, cool under my bare feet

Under the gnarled tree I sit;
The Earth below it, a hollow pit

Across the isle, I see the oak;
Its highest branch holds the web like a cloak

I pluck the grass and make a thread;
And weave another wish to the web

While my dreams never come true;
And my thoughts, always going back to you

I gaze around at the galaxies;
The stars and comets, all at peace

The eons taught them what I don't know;
The joy is there after every sorrow

They attempt to teach, and I try to learn;
A change in myself, I can discern

But the morning's here, its time to leave;
And see if troubles this hope can cleave

If my hopes break,  if Fate makes them shatter;
The lessons of night, I will not remember

Tonight I'll add another hope to my web;
It won't matter then, if the old ones are dead

The galaxies will be silent, and the grass, green;
When I retire tonight, to the place in my dreams